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        Advantages extruded feed processing technology

        Time:2016-04-16 20:46:13Hits:1337次

        Extruded feed processing is a new feed processing technology, the material in the twin-screw extruder
        cavity temperature instantaneous puffed actually a process: a mixture of high temperature (110 -200 ℃),
        high pressure (25-lOOkg / cm2 ), and high shear, high moisture (10% -20% or even 30%) of the environ
        ment, by continuous mixing, conditioning, heating pressurized ripening, after the formation of an expans
        ion extrusion die orifice and suddenly buck loose porous feed. The following analysis of the advantages
        of extruded feed:

        1 Improving feed utilization

        2 Reducing environmental pollution

        3 Reducing the occurrence of disease

        4 Improving the breeding density

        5 Extending the storage period Feed

        6 Easy feeding management

        7 Can meet the different needs of animals feeding habits

        Extruded feed, depending on process can be divided into buoyancy slowly settling, quickly settling 3 types.
        Currently, about 80% of the fish feed fodder for the settlement, such as shrimp, salmon, salmon, yellow tail
        tuna feed like settlement, while catfish, tilapia, eel, most fish larvae are like floating feed , catfish, tilapia feed
        equal preference for settlement and floating feed. Furthermore, extruded feed but also to meet some special
        requirements, such as low moisture feed, high-fiber feed.


        Contact us

        • Jinan Datong Machinery CO.,LTD
        • 0086-18653342336
        • 0086-88085286
        • Gaohanji Industrial Park,Tianqiao area,Jinan city,Shandong province china
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